
  1. Ryśkiewicz, M. (2023). The Risks of Context-Free Evaluation of Legislative Language Solutions (Polemical Article). Studia Iuridica, 101, 380–391. doi
  2. Ryśkiewicz, M. (2023). The language of administrative law versus other legal languages in the light of empirical research. In R. Łapa, M. Graf, & Ł. Piosik (Eds.), Człowiek – język – prawo. Studia legilingwistyczne (p. 49–64). Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne.
  3. Ryśkiewicz, M. (2023). A Statistical Picture of the Difficulty of Law. Archiwum Filozofii Prawa i Filozofii Społecznej, 4(37), 79–97. doi


  1. 2024.07.12: Semantic change as seen in cognitive linguistics (31st World IVR Congress, Soongsil University, Seoul)
  2. 2024.07.08: Empirical verification of the legislative inflation thesis through NLP (31st World IVR Congress, Soongsil University, Seoul)
  3. 2024.04.05: The inflationary landscape of contemporary law as a symptom of thinking transformations (25th Conference of Law and Administration Faculty “Future of Law”, University of Warsaw)
  4. 2023.09.08: Subjective rights in the context of the problem of legal personality of AI: a review of positions (11th Congress of Young Theoreticians and Philosophers of Law “Taking Subjective Rights Seriously”, University of Warsaw)
  5. 2023.07.27: How NLP deepens our understanding of the linguistic picture of the legal world (Law & Cognitive Science Conference, Jagiellonian University)
  6. 2023.01.14: Legal aggregate (Interdisciplinary Conference of the Doctoral School in Social Sciences, University of Warsaw)
  7. 2022.11.24: About the potential offered to the theory of law by the Natural Language Processing (International Scientific Conference “On the understanding of law and jurisprudence”, University of Szczecin)
  8. 2022.07.09: Why the law will never catch up with reality and why it should nevertheless try (2nd Congress of Young Science, University of Gdansk)
  9. 2022.06.24: A linguistic picture of the legal world (National Scientific Conference “Language and Identity”, University of Warsaw)
  10. 2022.06.03: The hidden face of juridification - the specter of delegitimization of the human rights system (National Scientific Conference “Towards Global Constitutionalism? Strategic litigation and international law”, University of Wroclaw)
  11. 2022.05.21: Legislation as play (National Scientific Conference “Na poGRAniczu nauk” (“On the intersection of sciences” [untranslatable wordplay]), University of Warsaw)
  12. 2022.05.15: About lawyers’ sinking into legalese (National Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference “Effective, Efficient and Ethical Communication”, University of Warsaw)
  13. 2022.05.12: Distinctness of administrative-legal pattern in legal language (National Student-Doctoral Scientific Conference “To legislate - to use language”, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan)
  14. 2022.05.12: The position of the legislator in the dispute over the normativity of preambles - the case of print 1937 (2nd National Scientific Conference “Problems of the theory and practice of law formation in Poland”, University of Szczecin)
  15. 2021.12.18: Incomprehensibility of the Polish legal language (Interdisciplinary Conference of the Doctoral School in Social Sciences, University of Warsaw)
  16. 2021.11.25: The linguistic source of alienation of law - on the incomprehensibility and misunderstanding of legal and juridical language (2nd National Scientific Conference “On the understanding of law and jurisprudence”, University of Szczecin)
  17. 2021.05.24: Open texture of law and theses of cognitive linguistics (10th Congress of Young Theoreticians and Philosophers of Law “Theoretical and Practical Aspects of the Interpretation of Law”, University of Szczecin)
  18. 2020.09.12: The illusory nature of the fiction of common knowledge of the law (National Scientific Conference “Legal paradise of notions and theories - a critical approach”, University of Warsaw)
  19. 2019.12.07: Understandability of (human) rights (3rd National Scientific Conference “Contemporary Problems of Human Rights Protection”, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)


  • since 2020.10: PhD studies, legal sciences (Doctoral School of Social Sciences, University of Warsaw)
    • since 2024.07: stipendist, UW funded: “Legal big data as a source of data on social inequality. Inequalities in legal capability in light of data from the free legal aid system”
    • since 2024.05: stipendist, NCN funded 2022/47/B/HS5/02073: “Conceptual change or conceptual manipulation? How to tell apart a natural evolution of legal concepts from their abuse”
  • 2017.10 - 2021.04: Bachelor studies, Quantitative Methods in Economics and Infomation Systems (Warsaw School of Economics), thesis: Macro-social determinants of the divorce rate in the light of the 2nd demographic transition theory
  • 2015.10 - 2020.08: Master studies, Law (University of Warsaw), graduated with honours (summa cum laude), thesis: Clarity as a principle of the legal language

Research interests

As part of my dissertation, I am analysing the phenomenon of legislative inflation, particularly in terms of the methodology of empirical studies of legislation. In addition, I am interested in:

  • the AI & Law (the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in theoretical legal research)
  • jurilinguistics/legilinguistics
  • Natural language processing (NLP)
  • legisprudence
  • philosophy of language, cognitive and descriptive linguistics


  1. 2024.06, AI & Quantitative Methods for Empirical Legal Research Summer School, Universite Toulouse Capitole
  2. 2023.07: AI & Law Summer School, European University Institute, Florence
  3. 2022.06 - 2022.07: Summer Institute in Computational Social Science, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  4. 2019.10 - 2020.05: Legal paradise of notions and theories - a critical approach, University of Warsaw

Popular science

  1. 2023.12: Textual manifestations of legal imperfections and Regulatory Impact Assessment as a means of reducing them (co-authored by Milena Wijas; Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  2. 2023.12: Amendment in theory and in selected Polish practice (co-authored by Milena Wijas; Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  3. 2023.12: Recommendation on directional changes in the education system for lawyers and public officials towards simplification of the legal and juridical language used (co-authored by Kamil Stępniak, Katarzyna Zalewska, Milena Wijas; Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  4. 2022.12: Law unequal to law - or why the concept of “legislative inflation” alone will not solve anything (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  5. 2022.12: One more word about the contradictory directives of conciseness and unambiguity of legal language (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  6. 2022.03: Legal language workshop - untapped potential (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  7. 2022.03: Prospects for the effects of technical improvements to the communicability of normative acts (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  8. 2022.03: The technique of legal language as seen by Bronisław Wróblewski (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  9. 2022.03: The technique of legalese as seen by Bronisław Wróblewski (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  10. 2017: The language of enslavement in “Ferdydurke” (Projektor 3/2017)
  11. 2015: The poet like the biblical Jacob (Sokol/Hades/Samples Orchestra, “Różewicz - Interpretations”) (Projektor 5/2015)


  1. 2023.12: Reconstructionism versus descriptivism - contemporary disputes over the quality of law (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  2. 2023.12: Syntactic fragmentation of norms in legislation (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  3. 2023.12: Content-based fragmentation of norms in legislation (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  4. 2023.10: Why the law is imprecise? (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  5. 2022.12: Three understandings of “legal validity” (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  6. 2022.12: Statutory preambles in the Polish legal system (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  7. 2022.12: Constituent position of the Senate of the Republic of Poland in the light of model solutions of bicameralism (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  8. 2021.12: Structure of the normative act (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
  9. 2021.12: Regulatory Impact Assessment (Centrum Analiz Legislacyjnych i Gospodarczych)
